Thursday 3 November 2011

model animation

model animation is where 3d objects made out of stuff like plastercine and other materials, a very famous one that is known from model animation is wallace and Gromit, chicken run etc.
These are all professional designers who have created these films and they have made lots of money and these films have been sold worldwide.

Here is a fact on the Wallace and Gromit:

Approximately 35,000 frames were used in each of the first three Wallace and Gromit films. Were-rabbit was shot at a slightly lower frame-rate, but this still doesn't account for the fact that well over a mind-boggling 100,000 frames of footage were shot

In class we have has a go at making models out of modelling clay this task was fun and it was good to do the practical side of animation i enjoyed making these it took a while to think of what to make.
The image above is the one i created its not perfect but i will improve each time i use this you just need to have a good idea of what to make.

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