Thursday 3 November 2011

model animation

model animation is where 3d objects made out of stuff like plastercine and other materials, a very famous one that is known from model animation is wallace and Gromit, chicken run etc.
These are all professional designers who have created these films and they have made lots of money and these films have been sold worldwide.

Here is a fact on the Wallace and Gromit:

Approximately 35,000 frames were used in each of the first three Wallace and Gromit films. Were-rabbit was shot at a slightly lower frame-rate, but this still doesn't account for the fact that well over a mind-boggling 100,000 frames of footage were shot

In class we have has a go at making models out of modelling clay this task was fun and it was good to do the practical side of animation i enjoyed making these it took a while to think of what to make.
The image above is the one i created its not perfect but i will improve each time i use this you just need to have a good idea of what to make.

Cel animation

This type of animation was used in the past, their is 3 different processes in creating cel animation.
You have to communicate your idea:
After the idea pops up, a storyboard is created to visually communicate the story to the production team.

Drawing and Painting the Cels:
this is the productive part where the designer draws the animated picture
The lead animator makes rough sketches of the key frames (extremes of an action) in a scene. The assistant animator takes those roughs and cleans up the linework, possibly creating some of the in-between drawings. These sheets are passed on to the in-betweener, who draws the rest of the action on separate sheets in order to complete the action established by the animator's key frames.

I got some of the text that is above from the following website,

the third stage of this proccess is filming the cells this is where all the animated images come together they have been coloured and is now a high quality image.

Once all the cels have been inked and painted, they are given to the camera person who photographs the backgrounds, along with their matching cels, according to the instructions on the dope sheet. The processed film, vocal tracks, music and sound tracks are then synchronized and edited together. The final film is sent to the lab to make a film project print or to be put on video. If the studio is employing digital equipment, all these stages happen in the computer before the finished film is output.

I got this information that is above this is the third and final stage to the proccess of cel animation because it is been filmed all that needs to be done is editing with putting either music or vocals in etc.

Here is a example of cel animation these are famous worldwide, tom and jerry are one of the biggest successful animated programmes in the world.

Tom & Jerry - Mouse in Manhattan by luster123

Thursday 20 October 2011

pixilation animation

this is pixilated animation i went onto the website called vimeo and found a video that defines and shows you what pixilation animation is the video will be shown below.

Pixilation Animation from Ara/Amanda on Vimeo.

Here is an example i have choose 2 examples because they are both different i got them both from

Pixilation Animation from lisenbart on Vimeo.

this is a 32 second clip this shows pixilation animation in a larger detail you can tell this will have took longer to make and looks more professional than the first. pixilation makes your brain think that they are moving when it is just different images with not even a second between them this is called persistance of vision.

Thursday 29 September 2011

cut out animation

This is a cut out animation i have found on vimeo website, i think they have made this well and it looks professional.

B.o.B feat. Bruno Mars "Nothin On You" from ethandirector on Vimeo.

Thursday 22 September 2011


primary research is when you create something that has not been created before you make it, an example of primary research is our video we have made.

Secondary research is something thats already been made and can be found on many useful resources for example book, newspapers, internet.

Today me marco luke and stephen made a movie in istop motion movie, we filmed stephen pulling various faces over and over again this makes it look like its an animation.

A time lapse is were you have a camera that is in one postion and it stays their you set it to a certain time and then it takes pictures you can put delays on the camera so it takes pictures every few seconds.

Here is the video we created

Luke Marco Jack and Stephen from Luke Trainor on Vimeo.